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Conférence CReSP-TRANSNUT : Evolution of policies to protect healthy diets, food system and public health in the Americas

Conférencier :
Fabio da Silva Gomes, Regional Advisor on Nutrition and Physical Activity for the Americas at the Pan-American Health Organization/ World Health Organization.

Animée par :
Jean-Claude Moubarac, professeur au département de nutrition de la Faculté de médecine de l'Université de Montréal, chercheur au CReSP et membre de TRANSNUT - Centre collaborateur de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé sur la transition nutritionnelle et le développement.

Cette conférence aura lieu à la salle 3019 à l'École de Santé Publique de l'Université de Montréal et en ligne via Zoom. Les places pour la participation en personne sont très limitées et seront attribuées par ordre d'inscription. Veuillez ne pas vous présenter à la salle de la conférence si vous n'avez pas reçu la confirmation de votre place dans la salle. Ce sera toujours possible de participer via Zoom si vous vous inscrivez pour recevoir le lien d'accès. La conférence sera aussi diffusée via YouTube sur la chaîne du CReSP.

La présentation aura lieu en anglais. Ce sera possible de poser des questions en français, elles seront traduites pour le conférencier.

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The presentation will feature the journey of countries in the Americas pursuing the achievement of excellence on regulatory policies to reduce the demand for and offer of ultra-processed products in the region, preserving, protecting and recovering health promoting food systems. Innovation, experience, evidence and human rights have served as bases for effective demand and offer reduction policies to help curb the unhealthy eating and other related epidemics and syndemics. These include the use of fiscal policies, regulation of labels and marketing of unhealthy commodities as well restriction of such products in schools and other settings. As countries seek to benefit their population with such policies, they also navigate strong opposition by actors whose interests are not in line with the protection of healthy diets and public health. The presentation will also address some of the tactics used by these actors and how countries have succeeded in getting the public interest to prevail.  

Note biographique

Fabio da Silva Gomes, Regional Advisor on Nutrition and Physical Activity for the Americas at the Pan-American Health Organization/ World Health Organization.

Fabio Gomes is a nutritionist, has a MSc in Population Studies and Social Research (National School of Statistical Sciences, Brazil), and a PhD in Public Health (Institute of Social Medicine, Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil). His expertise is in Nutritional Analysis of Populations and in Food and Nutrition Policies Analysis, his academic training and work experience allowed him to develop both research and policy analytical skills, which have been enabling him to work linking knowledge, policy and action. Fabio has also supported a myriad of civil society organizations initiatives, he co-founded the Brazilian Front for the Regulation of Food Advertisement, presided the World Public Health Nutrition Association, and has contributed to several international research and advocacy networks led by the World Obesity Federation, the International Baby Food Action Network, and supporting coalitions and alliances in the public interest aimed at promoting food and nutrition security, and regulating food marketing, and conflicts of interest in public health nutrition worldwide. As a Ministry of Health Officer in Brazil, he worked in the Food, Nutrition and Cancer Division of the National Cancer Institute of Brazil developing strategies to promote healthy eating practices in multiple settings; mobilizing regulatory measures to reduce the demand for unhealthy products; and protecting health, food and nutrition public policies from undue interference of commercial sectors. He also served the WHO Ending Childhood Obesity Commission, advising the Commission on policy implementation, monitoring and accountability. As visiting scholar at the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health of New York University he studied corporations and related organizations' products, practices and policies and their interference and impact over public health and nutrition policies and food systems. Fabio Gomes is currently the Regional Advisor on Nutrition and Physical Activity for the Americas at the Pan-American Health Organization/ World Health Organization, and in this role, he has been advising and supporting countries to design and implement food and nutrition public policies as well as to protect such policies from opposing interests.